2013: The Year of Projects

So, nine days into 2013 and I am already sure this is going to be a great year! Not only because January always feels a bit like a fresh start, or because the world hasn’t ended yet, but also because I have a couple of projects in the works and I am totes amped for them!

Project Life

Last year I was extremely excited about a Becky Higgins’ scrap booking kit called Project Life. I immediately ordered one for myself and then got to waiting. And waiting. And waiting. The majority of my supplies didn’t actually take too long to arrive, but the core kit, the essential piece was delayed due to manufacturing changes. I couldn’t really start the project without it, but took lots of photos and saved memorabilia from every event or meal out that I attended until It finally arrived at the end of August. I got started and put about 2 weeks worth of pages together, and even though I had great intentions to continue, it never really happened. I then planned to get it done over the Christmas break, but realised how silly it was to work on putting together an album from a year ago! So I decided that 2013 would become my Project Life. My goal is to continue taking daily photos and keeping movie tickets, restaurant cards, flyers and anything else that means something in that point in time. At the end of each week, I’ll sit down and put it all together in my album. I’ve also found a huge network of Project Lifers on Instagram who I’m sure will provide me with motivation and inspiration to keep this exciting.

The Amber Core Kit - Totes Worth the Wait!
The Amber Core Kit – Totes Worth the Wait!
Project Life-ing in the Works
Project Life-ing in the Works

Project 365

Yup, I’m doing this again. Last time I tried to take a photo a day, I really struggled. It was hard to find new and interesting things to photograph and I felt like my life was kind of boring (besides the daily earthquakes, that is!). But, now that I’m doing Project Life, I have a good reason to keep taking daily snapshots and ensure I notice the smaller things we usually take for granted that make each day brand new and interesting. I’ve downloaded an app on my phone which notifies me if I haven’t yet taken a photo each day, and also displays all the photos on a calendar so I can see the whole month at a time. To see what I’ve done so far, you can view my photos here. I’m toying with the idea of having a monthly theme, or creating/finding a list of items/ideas for photos, but so far I’m just snapping what I can.

Creative Pay it Forward

A friend of mine posted this status update on Facebook the other day and it really caught my interest:


I was too late to take part in her Pay it Forward, but decided to do it myself anyway. It took quite some time to get enough takers – seems no-one had enough motivation/time/ideas to commit to taking part so decided not to. Which, I am totally cool with – I’d rather people were upfront honest than those who say they’re doing to do something and don’t follow through. So over the next year, five of my friends/family will be receiving something I made. I’m sure they’re all really excited.

And last but not least, my 30 Things to do before 30 is still in the pipeline and I’m really starting to run out of time here, so better get a move on.

So, has anyone else got any projects in the works for 2013? What are you looking forward to the most? And any ideas for neat things I can actually make and send people overseas would be most appreciated!

3 thoughts on “2013: The Year of Projects”

    1. Thank you! That’s what I’m hoping, too – often you try think back on what you’ve done and come up short! At least now I’ll have photos to jog my memory 🙂

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